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This was the last (and I think best) portion of the trip! I was especially excited because I took French in high school, so I felt a small connection. I got to speak French on a few occasions and managed not to mess up too much...luckily the locals understood what I was saying!
(no accent marks, sorry)
me: "Ou est le Macdo, s'il vous plait?"
me: "Je suis desolee, je n'ai pas d'argent." (not sure if that's completely right)
me: "C'est combien?"
and....that's pretty much it haha.
On the first day, we went to Avignon.
Here's a famous bridge at a lavender field~
There was a souvenir shop that sold really cute soap!!
We headed for Paris after that!
L'Arc de Triomphe. The arch was huge, and when I looked closely, I could see tons of details that I never noticed in pictures online.
We went on a cruise on the Seine river and saw tons of buildings - and of course, the Eiffel Tower! Close-ups of it will come soon ^ - ^
Notre Dame! We visited there so you'll see better pics later.
I've been wanting to visit the Eiffel Tower for so long, so I was really happy when I finally saw it ^ _ ^
Notre Dame again. We got to go inside, which was pretty cool since it's such a famous place.
During the evening we went up the Eiffel Tower! It wasn't part of the tour, and the tour guide was nice enough to take us (the people that wanted to). About half the people from our tour group went, I believe. At the end there was some arguing and bad times but I'll explain that in the overview post if anyone's interested.
I only had to pay four euros since I was sixteen when I went there ;u; The fare is more expensive if you take an elevator up, so we took the stairs. I liked it better anyway, because I think you see more! It wasn't as tiring as I thought it'd be.
The view from the top was absolutely beautiful!
Literally the moment my dad and I (mom + grandma stayed in the hotel bc we'd get home around 12) got down from the Eiffel Tower, it lit up! I mean, it was already bright but it started glittering, as you can see in the following photo. What an amazing coincidence u w u
I thought the following photo was nicer than the other ones but I happened to be taking a pic of my dad haha.
On the last day, we visited the Versailles Palace and the Louvre Museum!
I learned about the Hall of Mirrors from a movie we saw in French class, and it was amazing to actually stand in it.
The whole palace was beautiful but the Hall of Mirrors was probably my favorite room.
But of course, the garden was amazing as well!
And finally, we went inside the Louvre museum. It's huge so we couldn't see everything, but we still saw a good amount ^ - ^
Venus de Milo:
You know how everyone talks about how the Mona Lisa is actually kind of small and not a huge painting? Well, it's true. Tons of people were constantly crowded around it, and it was definitely small. I mean, it wasn't tiny...but it was small.
And on the other side of the room is a huge one. What a contrast when you're there!
Either this following one or the one above it is the biggest one in the museum, I believe. They were both huge.
This next one was my absolute favorite. I feel like there's a lot of emotion that was displayed through the painting.
And after this, we went to our hotel for the last time and headed home the next morning.
I love the way clouds look from airplanes ^^
I hope you enjoyed reading and seeing all the pictures! Thank you, and I hope you have a wonderful day ;w;
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