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We took a train and headed for the Exploratorium! I went there once when I was in sixth grade but I hadn't gone again after that. Going there was pretty interesting, even as a high school senior.
This game haha....the red/blue game ended up being an arm workout! I think I was way too competitive with this. Anyways, I was team red (I think) and we won :D
After that, we went to Japantown! It was my first time going, and one of my amazing friends showed me around the place.
We shared this crepe, too! It was my first time eating one ^ - ^
We were planning on going to Pier 39 afterwards but we couldn't because of time :( Still, we went to the Ghilradelli factory and sat around a campfire-like thing outside. It was a nice way to end the day. ^^
Anyways, thank you for reading! This was a pretty short post haha, I didn't take too many pictures there. I hope you guys all have a great day ^ _ ^
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