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I was a tiger in elementary school and now I'm a tiger again. I guess I went full-circle?
It's kind of a funny story how I chose this school. It wasn't even on my list at first (I hadn't even heard of the school) but my parents wanted me to go to UoP's "Preview Day" event.
Me: I really don't want to be here
Me an hour later: Okay...I kind of want to go here.
The school has a Facebook page and after talking for awhile to a girl on there, we chose each other as roommates. We finally met a few weeks ago, and she's amazing!
We didn't decorate much, but I tried to put up a couple things ^ _ ^
School actually started about a week after I moved in. We had orientation and a weekend of welcome first.
At some point, my roommate got the best fortune ever o u o
I still haven't found a good place to take sunset photos, but this place isn't too bad.
At the end of the weekend of welcome, there was something called a "Block Party." I guess it was a party, but it was outside and regulated by the school so it was 100% safe. I didn't want to go at first but I figured I should at least check it out. I didn't go to any school dances in middle school or high school (not even prom). I'm sure they're fun but it's just not my type of thing.
The Block Party ended up being all right. I felt out of place in the beginning because I couldn't dance, but eventually I resorted to shifting from side to side and jumping at times. Some of my friends and I left early, though.
One thing I'm definitely happy about it open gym! I loved badminton in high school and unfortunately, I only truly fell in love with it in senior year. UoP has open gym for badminton once or twice a week, and that's better than nothing :)
My Digital Humanities teacher asked for our preferred names and preferred pronouns. I think that's pretty amazing!
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