[2014] Disneyland Trip

w/ concert choir

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I went on a trip to Disneyland with my school choir in early May. After singing in a church (it was like a festival, I suppose) we spent the next day in Disneyland.

I visited Disneyland once when I was two years old but I don't remember anything, so this felt like my first time!

Disneyland was pretty cool, but I think I had prepared myself for a mind-blowing experience and that didn't quite happen. Some bad things happened, too. This guy on the trip (different school that my teacher taught at) was being pretty creepy to me and it made me uncomfortable.

In the evening I was separated from the main group I hung with. I told them that I would join two other people and walk around, but I think they didn't hear me so they got worried and thought I got lost or something. That was my fault and I felt pretty bad about it afterwards. But still, with those two people I watched a water show (Fantasia?) and it was absolutely amazing! We were actually looking for a seat earlier and a nice couple let us sit with them. They were the ones that told us about the show.

About a minute before the show ended, we said goodbye to the couple and ran back to our meeting place with the rest of the group since we didn't want to be late. But as we ran, we looked backwards because we could see fireworks! That was pretty memorable ^ _ ^
That night, we took a bus (the same one we got here with) and headed home so that we'd arrive in the morning. Unfortunately, some other things went wrong. Two guys didn't come to the meeting place (one being the creepy guy) so we had to find them. When we finally boarded the bus, this one guy took this other guy's seat. The other guy was sick and tired of everything so he literally started screaming about how we were wasting the bus driver's time, how he was pissed off, etc. I think we all felt that way but several people jumped and felt uncomfortable after the shouting. Maybe he couldn't control it though.

Anyways, thanks for checking out this Disneyland post! I hope you have a wonderful day ahead of you ;u;


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“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” – Saint Augustine

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Hello there! I'm Amaris. This blog is mostly for travels and photography, but also small adventures with friends. All photos on this blog are taken by me. You can share them ONLY if you include credit, and you may NOT reproduce them in any way. I hope you have a wonderful day! ^ _ ^ [ ]