[2015] Taiwan Trip, Days 9-13

cafes + temple

Make sure to click the photos to see them in a bigger size ^ - ^
All photos were taken by me. You may only share these photos if you include proper credit (linking back to my blog), and you may NOT reproduce them in any way or claim them as yours. Thank you for understanding!

Hello o u o We went to a few cafes, and the first was Aranzi Cafe!

The following photo isn't from the cafe, but it was just a really cute advertisement for a different cafe ^^
This was my drink at Aranzi!
And this is my cousin's drink ^^
My dinner~
This was my cousin's meal + dessert.

And we ordered these cakes for dessert ;u; I went with two of my cousins, so we managed to finish everything.
A couple days later, we went to a cozy cafe after dinner. I went two years ago and actually ordered the same drink (hot chocolate) but this time, I got a bear instead of a lion ^ _ ^
A day later, we headed for Topo+ Cafe! This was a bit further so we rode on the bus for awhile.

This bus was super cute! It even had stickers on the windows.

I heard about Topo+ Cafe online and saw some photos. It looked amazing, and it was pretty nice when I got there. However, it wasn't as good as I had expected.

The decorations on the ceiling were nice, and it's pretty cool how there's fish swimming.
My drink. It tasted good for awhile but then the taste became weird.
Dessert ^ _ ^ This was good!
Originally I saw this photo online (so this is the only one that isn't my photo):

And I thought it was a table that you could sit at. However, it turned out to be this:
So it's just stairs. But it's still unique and a nice experience!

On the thirteenth day, we visited a temple to honor my dad's mom. I never met her, but I'm sure she was a nice lady ^^

There were also some cool things outside.


There was also a fantastic view :)

Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a great day!


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“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” – Saint Augustine

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Hello there! I'm Amaris. This blog is mostly for travels and photography, but also small adventures with friends. All photos on this blog are taken by me. You can share them ONLY if you include credit, and you may NOT reproduce them in any way. I hope you have a wonderful day! ^ _ ^ [ ]